Status Assessment of Heavy Metals in Water of the Lepenci River Basin, Kosova
University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Tourism and Environment,
University of Tetova, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Str. Ilindeni nn, 1200 Tetova, FYR Macedonia
University of Prishtikna
University for Business and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Energy, Kalabira 10000, Pristina, Kosova
University “HaxhiZeka”, Faculty of Management in Tourism, Hotels and the Environment, Pejë, Kosova
Data publikacji: 01-09-2018
Autor do korespondencji
Osman Fetoshi
University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Tourism and Environment,, Mat, Pristina, 10000 Pristina, Albania
J. Ecol. Eng. 2018; 19(5):19-32
Water represents an essential element for life and living things on earth. Aquatic ecosystems play a decisive role in socio-economic development in urban and rural areas. In recent decades there have been concern at the global level with regard to the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems due to the pollution, which is a product of mainly anthropogenic activity. Heavy metals pollution is worrisome for the ecological balance of the aquatic environment, affecting a variety of organisms. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to characterize the quality of water in the Lepenci River basin, to express heavy metals concentration, and to determine the surface water quality index in this basin. In order to achieve such objective, water samples were collected at eight stations for analyzing the concentrations for heavy metals. Heavy metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A good correlation was found between Pb and Zn (r = 0.84), whereas the average negative correlation coefficient was shown between Mn and Cr (r = -0.6513). The heavy metals concentrations variedfrom 0.0092 to 0.1135 mg/L.The mean concentrations of heavy metal found in the river water were in the order of: Mn > Fe > Pb > Ni > Cd > Zn > Cr > Cu. Water Quality Index variedfrom 57 to 81, withaverage value of WQI = 68.1250, which ranks the surface water of this basin as fair. From the results we have concluded that the Lepenci River waters during the monitoring periodhave had low pollution from heavy metals.
Keywords: atomic absorption spectrophotometry, river water, heavy metals, WQI, quality, correlation