The Impact of the Construction of the A4 Motorway on the Size of Plot Patchwork within the Territory of the Village of Czarna Sędziszowska – A Case Study
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University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Publication date: 2019-04-01
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Żanna Stręk
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(4):231-238
Line investments, such as a motorway, have a negative impact on the spatial structure of agricultural land, which has disarrayed the lifestyle and human work in rural areas. Such projects have a measurable influence on increasing the distances between plots which are the property of a single owner, dividing the plots crossing the designed section of the project, increasing the number of plots, deteriorating the technical infrastructure and the road network or limiting the use of land.
The routing of the A4 motorway splits the analyzed village of Czarna Sędziszowska, situated in the Ropczyce-Sędziszów district, into two parts: northern and southern. As a result, the plots forming part of a single farm are located on both sides of the motorway. The agricultural space in the village can be adjusted through the consolidation and exchange of land. The main goal of land consolidation is creating favourable conditions for the agricultural management, connected with improvement in the structure of farms, the configuration of land, as well as adaptation of plots to the terrain and the pattern of roads, including motorways. This paper aims to analyze the distribution of individual farmlands within the internal plot patchwork and to determine the size of land that is the property of non-resident owners in the village split by the motorway.