Zoning of Unused Land of Military Facilities in Krasnodar Krai
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Learning «The State University of Land Use Planning» (SULUP)
SULUP, Kazakova str., 105064, Moscow, RUSSIA
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Learning «The State University of Land Use Planning» (SULUP)
15, Kazakova str., Moscow, 105064, Russia
Data publikacji: 01-02-2020
Autor do korespondencji
Anastasia A. Melnikova
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Learning «The State University of Land Use Planning» (SULUP)
SULUP, Kazakova str., 105064, Moscow, RUSSIA
J. Ecol. Eng. 2020; 21(2):111-116
The research paper covers the features of the socio-economic and environmental diagnostics of agricultural land use. Zoning is a kind of base for territorial record keeping of natural conditions and resources, quantity, quality, as well as the production capacity of lands in the system of taxonomic units. It is a natural and historical basis for placement of agricultural production, land valuation, the development of land use patterns, land management patterns and projects, farming and agriculture systems, etc. Natural zoning reflects the need for priority land use in the interests of the economy. It has an agrobioecological basis due to the peculiarities of agricultural production, the essence of which is the utilization of solar energy by plant organisms necessary to maintain the ecological stability of the territory. We used the methods of particle-size and chemical analysis, methods of comparing indicators for zones with various types of agriculture and soils of military sites under the influence of man-made factors. The main socio-economic indicators characterizing the development of land use are analyzed. The concept of state policy forms in the valuation of unused lands of Krasnodar Krai is substantiated.