Assessment of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of the Inaouene Watershed Upstream the Idriss 1st Dam, Northern Morocco
Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment Engineering, University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Route d’Imouzzer P.O. Box: 2202, Fez, 30000 Morocco
Laboratory of Continental and Coastal Morphodynamic (M2C), University of Rouen-Normandy, Place Emile Blondel. 76281, Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex, France
Laboratory of Intelligent System, Georesources and Renewable Energies, University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Route d’Imouzzer P.O. Box: 2202, Fez, 30000 Morocco
Autor do korespondencji
Lahcen Benaabidate   

Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Environment Engineering, University of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Route d’Imouzzer P.O. Box: 2202, Fez, 30000 Morocco
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(9):157-170
In order to evaluate the degree of sediments contamination by metallic trace elements in the watershed of Oued Inaouene (North-East of Morocco), samples of surface sediments were taken along the river and at the level of the Idriss 1st dam. The objective is to obtain a thorough knowledge of the environment (metallic element content, organic matter content, granulometry, and pH, EC, CaCO3 content) in order to identify the degree of pollution in these sediments. The results of analysis have highlighted a contamination accentuated by Ba, Sr, P, Cu, Pb, In fact, this element is present at very high levels, with a maximum content ppm for samples taken upstream of Oued Inaouene, this increase is related to the physicochemical conditions of the environment, although the diversity of sources of pollutants. The analysis of hazardous heavy metals have shown values under the detection limits. The qualitative study allowed us to identify the source of contamination, it is an anthropogenic source related to the discharges of cities approximately of Oued Inaouene, and natural considered as the main source of pollution by trace elements of sediments that constitute an important reserve of pollutants in the environment
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